You are changing lives and reshaping ministries across Kenya. Pastor Mark Orwa’s life and ministry have been radically transformed thanks to your support.
Before encountering ELIM, Pastor Mark had a big heart for people but was trapped in a world of rigid legalism. “I was in a denomination that majored on non-essentials,” he recalls. “It was legalistic and domineering. If members were caught or even rumored to have committed immorality, they would be expelled. Even if you visited another church or denomination, the leadership would be very strict with you and would question you sternly.”
The environment was suffocating, with a narrow view of faith. “There was the belief that we were the only people ‘born again.’”
But thanks to your support, everything changed when Pastor Mark met me (Daniel) and the ELIM team. Your generosity made it possible for ELIM to partner with local pastors, providing the Bible and ministry training they desperately needed.
“They embraced our group, partnering with us for Bible and ministry training,” Pastor Mark says gratefully. “They even left behind printed materials that allowed us to continue to learn in their absence."
Through ELIM we have learned how to truly know God, at no cost! - Pastor Mark
Your gifts to EmPowered Living provide access to high-quality theological education that would otherwise be out of reach. “Theological colleges here in Kenya are very expensive and unaffordable,” Pastor Mark explains. “But with ELIM Theological Institute, we get much more than what we would have received in schools here. We are getting the highest quality of teachers and theological education.”
Pastor Mark has not only experienced personal transformation but is now equipped to impact others. “What I have received helps me train others. With my training, I have been able to influence so many leaders here.”
Your support of EmPowered Living is creating a transformative chain reaction of positive change across Kenya. As pastors like Mark receive sound theological training, they’re freed from legalism and equipped to lead their congregations with grace and truth.
“Today I thank God for ELIM Bible Institute,” Pastor Mark declares. “Through ELIM, we have learned how to truly know God, at no cost!”
You are changing lives, strengthening churches, and spreading hope across Kenya. Together, we’re investing in a brighter future for the Kenyan church and its communities.
Grateful for you,
Dr. Daniel & Mary Beth Gilbert